Sunday, September 6, 2020


Salt is a compound formed by displacing hydrogen of acid by metal or any basic radical fully or partially. If the hydrogen of acid is fully displaced by metal or basic radical the salt formed is neutral salt. If the salt is formed by partial displacement of hydrogen of acid, the salt is called acidic salt. The compound formed by partial displacement of hydroxyl ion from base is called basic salt.
Properties of salt:

  • They have different tastes. Many salts have bitter taste. Some are tasteless
  • Their melting and boiling point is generally high
  • Most of the salts are soluble in water
  • Water soluble salts can be decomposed by electrolysis
  • Some salts are white and some are colorful
  • Some salts contain water molecule which are called hydrated salts

Uses of salts

  • NaCl: extraction of sodium metal, making food
  • Sodium Carbonate: making soap, detergent and glass
  • Sodium Bicarbonate: Making baking powder, to make fire extinguisher
  • Copper sulphate: electroplating of copper, as fungicide
  • Zinc sulphate: making medicine of eye
  • Calcium sulphate: making chalk and plaster of paris
  • Ammonium chloride: electrolyte of dry cell
  • Ammonium sulphate: chemical fertilizer etc.

Neutralization Reaction: A neutralization reaction can be defined as a chemical reaction in which an acid and base quantitatively react together to form a salt and water as products.

Utilities of Neutralization Reaction

  • Farmers use lime to reduce acidity of soil
  • We use magnesium hydroxide to reduce acidity of stomach
  • On the bites of ant and bee formic acid is injected, to neutralize this we can use soap
  • On bite of some insect base is injected. To neutralize this acetic acid is used


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