Sunday, August 30, 2020

Chromosome Disorder

A chromosome disorder results from a change in the number or structure of chromosomes. Or the abnormality seen on a person due to the disorder of number of chromosome is called chromosome disorder. During meiosis cell division if chromatide can’t detach from mother chromosome the number of chromosome may be more or less in daughter cell and chromosome disorder takes place. Some chromosomal disorders are listed below

  • Patau syndrome is a syndrome caused by a chromosomal abnormality, in which some or all of the cells of the body contain extra genetic material from chromosome 13. The extra genetic material disrupts normal development, causing multiple and complex organ defects.
  • Down’s Syndrome is a syndrome caused by chromosomal abnormality on trisomy of 21 chromosome or extra chromosome on 21th pair of autosome. It is usually associated with physical growth delays, mild to moderate intellectual disability, and characteristic facial features.
  • Klinefelter’s syndrome also known as 47, XXY is the set of symptoms that result from two or more X chromosomes in males. The primary features are infertility and small poorly functioning testicles. Often, symptoms are subtle and subjects do not realize they are affected. The persons with defect look like male but breasts are like female and are mostly sexless or impotent.
  • Turner’s Syndrome is caused by the lack of X chromosome. This occasionally seen on females with sterility and secondary sex characteristics(Differences in size between sexes are also considered secondary sexual characteristics. In humans, visible secondary sex characteristics include pubic hair, enlarged breasts and widened hips of females, and facial hair and Adam's apples on males.)


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