Saturday, August 29, 2020

Blood Circulation

There are mainly two types of blood circulation in human body

  1. Systemic circulation: The blood circulation between heart and different parts of body (except lungs) operated by arteries and veins is called systemic circulation. When left auricle contracts, blood flows out of heart via aorta, aorta divides to arteries which further subdivide to capillaries and pure blood reaches to cell level. After consumption of nutrients, minerals and oxygen, wastes are collected by veins and returned back to left auricle of heart. In this way systemic circulation continues.
  2. Pulmonary circulation: The blood circulation between heart and lungs operated by pulmonary artery and pulmonary vein is called pulmonary circulation. When right ventricle contracts blood flows from heart to lungs via pulmonary artery. The blood is purified inside lungs(Oxygenated) and returned back to left auricle of heart via pulmonary vein.


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