Thursday, August 27, 2020

Cell and Battery

 A cell is a single unit device which converts chemical energy into electric energy whereas a battery usually consists of group of cells. Battery is constructed by combining multiple cells either in series or in parallel combination.

     Series combination: In series, cells are joined end to end so that the same current flows through each cell.  In case if the cells are connected in series the emf of the battery is connected to the sum of the emf of the individual cells. Suppose we have multiple cells and they are arranged in such a way that the positive terminal of one cell is connected to the negative terminal of the another and then again the negative terminal is connected to the positive terminal and so on, then we can that the cell is connected in series. Total voltage obtained from series combination is sum of individual voltages.

 i.e. V = V1 + V2 + V3 +……….

     Parallel Combination:  Cells are in parallel combination if the current is divided among various cells. In a parallel combination, all the positive terminal are connected together and all the negative terminal are connected together. Total voltage of parallel combination is equal to the individual cell but current capacity and duration of supply of energy is increased.

V = V1 = V2= V3=……….


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